Exploring the Different Types of Ad Attribution Models

Regan Hestand
5 min read
May 30, 2023
Ad Attribution

Learn the Different Types of Ad Attribution Models

If you're a marketer or Shopify store owner, understanding the types of attribution models is essential in driving your business forward and keeping up with the ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

Without proper ad attribution, businesses risk spending too much money on campaigns that don't generate enough revenue and make the most of their efforts (or worse – not attributing success to any campaign at all).

Understanding what types of attribution models are out there and how they can help drive meaningful results more consistently is essential to stay apprised! This blog post will explore the different types of attribution modeling available and how best to leverage them for your Shopify store.

Common Marketing Attribution Models and Why Marketers need to Understand

Ad attribution is the process whereby advertisers measure each ad campaign's success. It is a critical tool for understanding which ads drive purchases and website visits and how best to modify future campaigns.

For instance, if an advertiser changes a headline or image in an ad and then sees an increase in click-throughs, it may be due to the changes made; without tracking-based attribution in place, there would be no way to know this. Similarly, ad campaigns have multiple elements that need attention; target audiences, budget levels, and creative assets. Using data to help track performance across different mediums, an advertiser can understand which mix of these elements drives conversions most efficiently.

Overall, an understanding of ad attribution equips marketers with crucial insights that can inform every aspect of their digital attribution strategy: optimizing spend for each channel, targeting customers more accurately, and increasing overall returns.

Types of Attribution Models Explained

Ad attribution models are gaining prominence as companies try to boost their ad performance and create more compelling customer journeys. Several models are available, each of which has its strengths and weaknesses.

The most popular model is the Last Click model, which counts credit for the sale based on the last click before a customer purchases something. Multi-Touch Attribution is also widely used - this assigns different amounts of credit to each ad touchpoint.

Additionally, there are Position Based, Single Touch, Time Decay, and Linear Attribution models, as well as some more complex models that all bring advantages to users depending on their individual goals and objectives. Understanding which attribution model best fits your business will help you decide how to optimize your digital marketing campaigns for maximum returns.

First-Interaction Attribution Model

The first-touch model is a valuable marketing strategy to identify the initial touchpoint that exposes customers to the brand. This model helps companies target their campaigns and understand which channels are the most effective for their customers' journey. 

By understanding this information, businesses can optimize how they reach out to potential customers, enabling them to customize the experience for each user better. Understanding the first-touch model gives companies valuable insight into their campaigns' effectiveness. It demonstrates how critical data is in today's marketing world.

Last-Interaction Attribution Model

The last-touch model examines how the customer's last interaction with a brand, product, or service drove the conversion and influenced their decision-making. Last-touch models are fundamental in understanding customer behavior. 

They help businesses understand what marketing efforts impact customers most exactly. By examining which campaigns and outreach tactics had the most significant influence, companies can accurately track and measure which methods worked best to drive conversions so that they can develop more potent strategies. 

Utilizing last-touch models helps create marketing plans tailored to customers' specific needs, leading to more successful engagement between business and customer effectively and efficiently.

Multi-Touch Attribution Model

The Multi-Touch Attribution Model is an advanced marketing strategy allowing businesses to attribute credit for conversions across multiple touchpoints accurately. This model considers numerous factors, such as the number of interactions with a given campaign, the channels used, and the length of time between each touchpoint. 

By recognizing how each ad touchpoint affects conversion rate, companies can better understand which marketing efforts are most effective for driving customers towards purchase. 

Moreover, this attribution model can help inform future campaigns by enabling marketers to track performance across different marketing touchpoints and adjust their strategies accordingly. 

The Multi-Touch Attribution Model allows businesses to attribute credit for conversions across multiple touchpoints, giving credit to the first and last touchpoints and any intermediary touchpoints that may have influenced a customer's decision-making process. This type of attribution model helps companies gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns by providing detailed information about each ad touchpoint and how it contributed to the overall conversion rate. The Multi-Touch Attribution Model helps businesses utilize their budget efficiently and effectively to maximize ROAS.

Single Touch Attribution Model

Single-touch attribution models effectively understand which channels have the most significant impact on customer conversions. This model assigns credit to a single ad touchpoint that contributed to a sale, enabling businesses to track and measure the best methods for driving customers. 

This model allows companies to optimize their digital marketing campaigns and target customers more accurately, resulting in greater returns from their advertising efforts. 

Single-touch attribution models also provide valuable insights into customer behavior by helping businesses identify which sources initially exposed them to their brand. 

With this information, marketers can tailor their strategies around customer needs to create better engagement between business and client.

Time Decay Attribution Model

The time decay attribution model is an ad attribution model that measures the effectiveness of marketing efforts over time. This model assigns credit for conversions to different touchpoints but emphasizes the more recent ones. 

Credit is measured by assigning larger weights to more recent touchpoints and decreasing weights for older ones, based on the idea that the purchaser was most strongly influenced by their last interaction with a brand or product. This way, companies can better understand which campaigns impact their customers most and optimize their strategies accordingly. 

Additionally, this attribution model considers how long each user has engaged with different campaigns, allowing businesses to gain insight into how effective their messaging is over different periods.

Understanding and utilizing time decay attribution models can help companies create more effective customer journeys and drive greater returns from their marketing efforts.

Position-Based Attribution Model

The position-based attribution model assigns credit for conversions to multiple touchpoints but with greater emphasis on the first or last one. This method is helpful for businesses to understand which campaigns have the most significant influence on their customer's decision-making process and optimize their marketing efforts accordingly. 

This attribution model allows companies to allocate credit across different touchpoints more flexibly than other models, such as the first-touch or time decay models. Additionally, you can tailor position-based models to fit specific customer journeys and account for how users interact with different pieces of content over varying periods. 

By considering all relevant data points and using this information to adjust marketing strategies, businesses can drive greater returns from their digital marketing campaigns and better serve their customers.

Linear Attribution Model

Linear attribution models are among businesses' most popular ad attribution models to measure and optimize their marketing campaigns. This model assigns equal credit to each customer touchpoint with a brand or product, allowing companies to understand which channels significantly influenced their customer's decision-making process. 

By utilizing linear attribution models, businesses can accurately track their return on investment for different campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly. Additionally, this method provides valuable insights into how users interact with various pieces of content over varying periods.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Model

Pros and Cons of First-Interaction Attribution Modeling

The First-Interaction Attribution Model benefits businesses because it helps them understand which channels impact their customers' decision-making process most and allocate resources accordingly. 

Additionally, this model provides valuable insights into how users interact with different pieces of content and can be used to create more compelling customer journeys. However, this attribution model fails to consider the influence of subsequent touchpoints in the customer journey. It may not provide a clear picture of the best methods for a business.

Pros and Cons of Last-Interaction Attribution Modeling

The Last-Interaction Attribution Model is useful for marketers because it focuses on the last interaction with a brand or product and assigns credit for conversions accordingly. This model is simple to understand and familiar to most marketers. The model ultimately allows companies to understand better which campaigns had the most decisive impact on their customers and tailor their strategies around those findings. 

However, this model fails to take into account how long each user has spent engaging with different campaigns, limiting its effectiveness as an ad attribution model.

Pros and Cons of Multi-Touch Attribution Modeling

Multi-Touch Attribution Models are beneficial in that they assign credit across multiple touchpoints within a customer's journey, allowing businesses to gain insight into how effective their messaging is over different periods. 

Additionally, this attribution model will enable companies to allocate credit flexibly based on their needs, providing valuable insights into which campaigns work best for them and driving greater returns from digital marketing efforts. 

However, Multi-Touch Attribution Models may require more work to set up correctly due to the complexity of assigning weights for each touchpoint.

Pros and Cons of Single Touch Attribution Modeling

The Single Touch Attribution Model assigns credit to only one touchpoint in the customer journey. This model benefits marketers by clearly identifying which channels influence conversions most, allowing companies to focus their efforts more effectively. 

However, this model fails to consider any subsequent interactions a customer may have with a product or brand and does not provide any insights into how users interact over different periods of time.

Pros and Cons of Time Decay Attribution Modeling

The Time Decay Attribution Model assigns credit across multiple touchpoints in the customer journey but focuses on interactions closest to the conversion event. This attribution model is helpful for marketers because it provides valuable insights into which campaigns had the most significant influence on customers' decision-making process and can be used to adjust marketing strategies accordingly. 

However, this method does not account for long-term engagement or how different pieces of content may have influenced customers further down the line.

Pros and Cons of Position-Based Attribution Modeling

The Position-Based Attribution Model considers all relevant data points when assigning credit across different touchpoints. This type of attribution model is beneficial as it allows companies to tailor their strategies based on how customers interact with various pieces of content over varying periods of time. 

However, this method can be difficult and time-consuming to set up correctly due to its complexity and may only be suitable for some types of businesses.

Pros and Cons of Linear Attribution Modeling

The Linear Attribution Model is a popular ad attribution method that assigns equal credit to each customer touchpoint with a brand or product. This model allows companies to track their return on investment for different campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly. 

However, this model does not account for long-term engagement or any influence from subsequent touchpoints in the customer journey, making it inadequate for businesses looking for more detailed information. 

Additionally, due to its simplicity and lack of weighting, this attribution method may not provide enough detail concerning which channels were most influential in driving conversions.

How to Choose the Right Ad Attribution Model for Your Business

Making the right choice when it comes to ad attribution modeling for your business can be a daunting task. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so it's important to know what you are looking for in metrics and data points and how these models can inform your marketing strategy and tactics. 

Working with an experienced team can be incredibly beneficial and help you determine the tracking methodology that best fits your needs and budget. Additionally, it pays off to research the platforms available since this will enable you to get better visibility into the metrics driving your success and inform any further investments you may make in marketing. 

Taking the time upfront to thoroughly analyze which ad attribution model would work best for your business will go a long way toward optimizing performance and helping your brand stand out from the pack.

Implementing the Right Ad Attribution Strategy for Your Company

So what is the best marketing attribution model for you? Finding the right ad attribution strategy for your company can be daunting. Companies must focus on discovering and implementing strategies that maximize their Return-On-Ad Spend (ROAS) while driving customer growth, engagement, and loyalty. 

It's essential to consider a combination of click events and view-throughs when defining an attribution model. In other words, you want multiple data sources coming together to create an accurate picture of how effectively each ad drives customer action. 

Consider gathering deeper analysis on how users are engaging with your ads before they convert, as well as tracking user behavior after they have clicked or viewed an ad; this way, you can see precisely what types of ads are yielding the best results for your company in terms of reach, conversions, sales revenue and more. With the right strategy in place, you can maximize returns with efficient use of budgets.

Why do Ad Attribution Models Matter?

Ad attribution models are increasingly crucial for businesses as they help marketers to understand their customers and make more informed decisions about their marketing campaigns. Utilizing ad attribution modelings, such as those from Facebook Ad and Google Analytics, allows companies to track the success of their marketing efforts by providing insights into user engagement, conversions, and ROI across multiple channels. 

By understanding the value of each marketing campaign across different platforms and devices, marketers can quickly identify which campaigns work best for them and tailor their strategy accordingly. These models also allow businesses to gain valuable insights into how users interact with digital content over time; this insight provides invaluable data you can use to tailor your marketing. 

Therefore, ad attribution modeling is essential for any modern business looking to stay competitive in today's ever-changing market.

Final Thoughts on Ad Attribution and Its Impact on Marketing Success

Ad attribution is a relatively new yet essential tool in the marketing world. It allows companies to accurately track and measure the performance of each individual ad or campaign, providing crucial insight into their success or failure. 

Ad attribution gives marketers powerful insights to inform their strategies and maximize profit. Its use can be beneficial for understanding audience behavior and optimizing campaigns for better sales conversions. By understanding where ads are most effective, you can be sure that your advertising spend is going exactly where it needs to go. 

With modern technology, marketers have access to more data than ever before, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding ad leveraging. Ultimately, ad attribution has opened up a new world of opportunities for marketers— one that is not only more financially beneficial but also highly beneficial in understanding customers' buying behavior.

Different Types of Ad Attribution Models Conclusion

Ad attribution is a powerful tool for modern marketers, with the potential to increase ROI and optimize ad spend. But as great a tool as it is, it's important to remember that ad attribution is not a one-size-fits-all solution; each approach presents unique benefits and drawbacks.

Marketers must weigh these against their organization's advertising goals before choosing an ad attribution model that best suits their unique needs. With a suitable model and strategy, brands are on their way to deriving maximum value from their marketing investments. 

The key takeaway here is that while the suitable ad attribution model can make a tremendous difference in the success of an advertising campaign, understanding your company's customer journey and finding the perfect fit will ultimately set your business up for success.

Data Accuracy and Source

First, rest assured that Sirge’s data is accurate. However, the way we track and attribute conversions differs from ad platforms:

  • Sirge Attribution: We track a user’s journey from the initial click on an ad all the way to the purchase, giving you a full picture of what drives sales.
  • Ad Platform Attribution: Ad platforms often attribute a sale to an ad if there was a click and a later purchase, even if the purchase wasn't directly influenced by that click. This can lead to over-attribution.

Where Does Sirge's Data Come From?

Sirge collects data directly from your website interactions and integrates it with data from your ad platforms. Here’s how:

  • Website Interactions: We track user behavior on your site from the first ad click to the final purchase.
  • Ad Platform Data: We pull in data from your ad platforms to understand ad interactions, then combine it with our tracking for complete attribution insights.

The Impact of When You Set Up Sirge

Another reason for discrepancies is the timing of your Sirge setup:

  • No Retroactive Data: Sirge does not track data from before you set up tracking. If you start using Sirge after running ads, past interactions won’t be captured, which can initially cause data differences.
By understanding these differences, you can have more confidence in Sirge’s data. Our detailed attribution model helps you make better ad strategy decisions. If you have questions, our support team is here to help you get the most out of Sirge.