How to Choose the Right Ad Attribution & Ad Tracking Platform for Your Business

Regan Hestand
5 min read
May 30, 2023
Ad Tracking

Choose the Right Ad Tracking and Ad Attribution for Your Business

As a business owner in today's increasingly digital world, it's essential to understand how effective and efficient your ads are performing. That requires tracking the success of each ad campaign, measuring customer engagement, and identifying where customers come from - all with accurate data.

Choosing the right ad attribution and tracking platform is critical to ensuring you have comprehensive insights into your ad campaigns. This allows you to make data-driven decisions when crafting your marketing strategies.

Here we will discuss what to look for when choosing an ad-tracking platform to meet your goals as a brand marketer or e-commerce brand owner.

Explanation of Ad Attribution and Tracking Platform

Before we get further, it's essential to understand the basics of ad attribution and ad tracking. 

Ad attribution is the process of determining which advertising effort led to a particular conversion. 

Users who interact with your ad, whether by clicking on or viewing it, enter a conversion funnel. The funnel includes various stages, such as awareness, consideration, and conversion. Ad attribution assigns a value to each step, allowing you to understand which ad efforts led to the most conversions.

On the other hand, ad tracking allows you to track ad campaign performance. With ad tracking, you can monitor the number of impressions, clicks, and conversions your ad received. That's why tracking your advertising campaigns is crucial to determine which ones are performing well and which need improvement!

The Importance of Ad Tracking for Business

Without a platform to manage all of the data coming in, trying to keep track of how well your campaigns are performing can become overwhelming. But with ad tracking tools, you can get more than just data; you can get insights that will help you make more informed decisions with your marketing efforts.

Tracking software makes optimizing campaigns easier, allowing for better budget allocations and increased ROI. Even more, these platforms provide companies with deep customer insights into individual purchasing behavior and interests, enabling them to create strategies tailored to specific audiences.

How do Ad Tracking Software Companies Technically Track Ads?

Ad tracking captures various pieces of information whenever a user interacts with an online advertisement, using pixel tracking, link tracking, and UTM parameters. 

Pixel tracking involves placing small snippets of code within adverts loaded onto a webpage or email when a person interacts with them. Link tracking records data every time an ad is clicked to navigate elsewhere. Lastly, UTM parameters are specific tags used to differentiate where traffic has come from.

Understanding Different Ad Tracking Methods

Believe it or not, there is more than one way to measure campaign performance. Each ad tracking method has advantages and disadvantages and can be helpful in different scenarios.

Standard ad-tracking methods include conversion tracking, impression tracking, and click-through rate (CTR) tracking. Different models may be more helpful in evaluating success depending on the type of campaign you're running.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is one of the most popular ad-tracking methods. Conversion tracking measures the number of users that took a desired action after seeing an advertisement. This action could be anything from a purchase to signing up for a newsletter.

Click-Through Rate Tracking

Click-through rate tracking tracks how often users click on an advertisement after seeing it. This method helps assess engagement and understand the ads most appealing to users.

Impression Tracking

Impression tracking helps marketers understand how many people saw the advertisement. It measures the number of times an ad was viewed or 'impressed.' This method is useful for evaluating overall reach and understanding how many people had the opportunity to take a desired action. It also helps marketers know if an ad effectively reached its target audience.

When opting for an ad tracking platform, look at which models they offer and assess whether they suit your needs. Doing this will enable you to gain valuable insights into your marketing efforts and improve overall ROI.

Critical Considerations for Choosing an Ad Attribution and Tracking Platform

Consider a few critical factors when selecting an ad attribution and tracking platform. Here are a few main factors:

Cost Of The Platform

While it can be tempting to choose the least expensive option, consider all available features and if they suit your business needs before making a decision. Efficiently allocating budget is essential to the success of any venture, so be sure you're getting total value for your money when investing in an ad tracking solution.

With the right tool chosen, your team can rest assured knowing profitability is being maximized while costs are kept in check.

Tracking Accuracy Of The Platform

High-quality ad attribution and tracking platforms utilize powerful algorithms, processor performance optimizations, and real-time data synchronization to ensure they have an accurate reflection of campaign performance.

Researching and evaluating the accuracy of available platforms is a crucial consideration when selecting an ad-tracking solution for your business.

Data Privacy of the Platform

Privacy is a crucial factor when selecting ad-tracking software for your business. Because of the increasingly competitive digital landscape, it is essential to protect customer data from being inappropriately accessed or shared with unauthorized third parties.

Ad tracking platforms should clarify what types of data they collect from customers and how they use it securely. You should be wary of any platform that does not provide information on the type of data they store and their procedures for protecting it. Privacy enables businesses to build trusting relationships with customers - opt your company into an ad attribution and tracking service that lives up to the required standards outlined.

Customization and Flexibility of the Platform

When selecting an ad-tracking tool, two essential factors to consider are customization and scalability. If you're starting to track ad campaigns, investing in expensive ad-tracking technology only makes sense if your business can justify the cost.

Choose a platform that adapts to your brand's changing needs as you grow. Also, ensure that you have the flexibility to customize your solution to fit your budget.

Integration Capabilities of Ad Tracking Platforms

Choosing an ad-tracking platform is more complex than finding one with your desired features. You also want to consider the integration capabilities, ensuring the platform can smoothly integrate with other systems and datasets used in your marketing campaign.

It's essential to look for a platform with seamless connection points for additional connectors, allowing you to easily access other performance metrics and customize your reporting process for more robust insights. The right combination of integration abilities will help ensure your platform choice can support your team's current and future needs.

User Interface and Ease of Use

The user interface and ease of use of ad tracking software are critical when selecting. Your chosen platform should offer simple navigation and workflows, so you can easily set up campaigns, track results, and adjust goals as needed.

A tool with an easy user experience and straightforward look and feel can increase efficiency in marketing teams and simplify tasks for third-party players across different departments. Please do your research to see how their tracking links or pixels are set up. If it's too complicated, that specific ad-tracking software may not be for you.

Make sure to test the platforms before making a decision. Most companies have a trial period for you to be able to do this. Trying a free trial will give you valuable insights into how effortless it will be to manage it daily.

Customer Support for Ad Tracking Platforms

Customer support should always be a key consideration when choosing an ad platform. After all, having access to solid customer support that can guide you along the process or answer any questions is just as important as ensuring the platform meets your needs.

If customer service is an issue, there's a good chance you'll be stuck with a product or tool that doesn't fit your requirements or has limitations you're struggling to work around.

Popular Ad Tracking Software

You can take a few different routes for businesses seeking more significant insights into their ad campaigns' performance. You can use their free in-platform data if you're advertising on Facebook or Google.

Other popular third-party ad tracking tools can help you collect more accurate data and insights. Triple Whale, Cometly, Hyros, Sirge, ThoughtMetric, and Wask are all worth exploring.

Google Ads Manager

Google ads is a great free resource if you're advertising on Google. The Google Ad Manager gives accurate results and guidance to improve your campaigns.

Facebook Ad Manager

You can access data in the Meta platform if you're using a Facebook ad tracking pixel.

Triple Whale 

Triple Whale is a high-level e-commerce platform that allows you to track ads and manage your e-comm system.


Cometly focuses on sending the information back to the advertising platforms to optimize campaigns.


Hyros will also send the data back to optimize campaigns at a much higher price.


Thought Metric is a platform that helps businesses track conversions through AI-based cross-device tracking. 


puts a lot of emphasis on more than just ad tracking but has excellent in-platform design and ad capabilities.


Sirge emphasizes ease of use and accuracy at a great price point for Shopify users.

Determining Your Business Needs and Choosing the Right Platform

Deciding on the right platform for your business needs can take time and effort. By researching these factors below, you will be better prepared to select an appropriate platform for meeting short- and long-term goals for success.

# 1 Identify Your Business Goals

When it comes to identifying your business goals and determining what kind of platform is right for you, it's easy to be overwhelmed. Sitting down and assessing your needs can save you a lot of stress in the long run. Start by taking a big-picture look at your overall objectives—what do you want to achieve?

Once you set that clear goal, start breaking it down into more specific benchmarks to hone in on what will help you get where you want to go. A clear goal will allow you to begin forming an idea of the platform that best suits your needs and streamline your efforts moving forward.

Focusing on what's essential for your business is critical; use this as a launchpad for success!

#2 Evaluate Your Existing Ad Campaigns

Once you've established your business goals, evaluating any existing ad campaigns concerning those goals is useful. Which channels are you using to run ads? What channels would you like to advertise on? What are the results of each channel in terms of ROI?

Answering these questions can help you determine which platform will be best for your business by quickly eliminating any that might align with current and future advertising methods.

#3 Evaluate Ad Tracking Software Options Against Your Key Considerations

Now that you have narrowed down your list of features and determined which platforms might fit your business needs, it's time to evaluate. Begin by examining each platform against your key considerations above.

Once you have weighed each choice's pros and cons, you can decide which platform best meets your needs.

Consider the benefits each platform can bring you and the greater good that picking a particular option could do for your business plans in the long run.

#4 Consider the Learning Curve and Implementation Process

Once you've decided to go with one platform over another, it's time to consider the learning curve and implementation process. How difficult is it for you and your team to learn this new software? Will implementing the software be complicated? These questions can help you understand how quickly you can use the platform.

Additionally, some platforms offer resources like demos, blogs, and other video tutorials which can help you understand the basics of how to use the software.

Reviewing these materials beforehand can give you valuable insight into your learning curve when transitioning to a new platform.

Challenges of Implementing Ad Attribution and Tracking Platforms introduction

There are several challenges to consider when implementing these platforms effectively. But don't be discouraged! The benefits of ad tracking far outweigh any negativities.

Each challenge needs careful consideration for an organization to succeed with its marketing initiatives.

Data Collection and Aggregation

Ad tracking can sometimes be challenging when you use a third-party service; the data's accuracy relies on successful connections to the ad platforms. If these connections become broken, then the accuracy of the data is compromised. 

It's important to double-check the accuracy of data collection and aggregation processes before relying on them. Double-checking can ensure that your data is reliable and up-to-date.

Additionally, some ad-tracking platforms may have access to more data than others. It's essential to evaluate the available data of different platforms before making a decision.

Integration with Ad Networks and Partners

For these systems to be effective, they need access to relevant data in near real-time, which can often prove difficult. The integration process can be complicated as there can be issues with a tracking pixel or limitations in collecting data from specific users.

Also, due to the ever-changing nature of the digital advertising space, tracking links must be regularly updated for a tracking platform to remain competitive. Some ad-tracking tools will automate these updates for you.

Ensuring Accurate Tracking Across Devices

Ad tracking is an excellent resource for any business looking to measure an ad campaign. However, ad tracking has come with some challenges. Accurately tracking users and their devices has proven difficult for some platforms due to limited data availability within the native environment.

Utilizing third-party ad tracking tools can be a great way of collecting user data across multiple devices if you're confident. While these solutions come with challenges, they have helped many businesses gain insight into how their advertisements perform.

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

Consider complex laws when collecting customer data, as each region has regulations. Compliance with different standards can be tricky. Companies must be careful that all data is collected properly and securely while ensuring no information breaches occur due to inappropriate use or action.

Ad attribution and tracking platforms provide reliable insights that allow marketers to make informed campaign decisions. Still, efficient measures must be taken to ensure the collected information stays secure throughout processing.

Best Practices for Implementing Ad Attribution and Tracking Platforms

Ad attribution and tracking platforms are increasingly important in advertising campaigns, helping businesses quickly identify the most effective strategies and optimize spending. To maximize return on investment, ad tracking tools must be properly implemented.

Planning and Preparation

When it comes to implementing ad tracking platforms, planning and preparation are among the most essential best practices.

To ensure success, learn all you can about the platform options available. These options include their features and capabilities, how they integrate with other parts of your marketing program, and any necessary compliance requirements.

In addition, consider setting up several test environments so you and your team can try out different features or configurations before putting them in place on your main website or app. 

This method offers an ideal way to properly prepare for a successful implementation without breaking the budget.

Setting Up the Platform and Configuring Attribution Models

The best practice for setting up a platform of this kind is first to establish a framework and configure the suitable attribution models. Establishing a framework will ensure you can maximize your data accuracy to identify the most effective channels and campaigns.

Before launching, evaluating various options regarding cost/benefit analysis, technical suitability, customization capabilities, and ability to integrate with existing systems and processes is good practice. Doing so will help ensure that you make the right technology choice.

When done right, an tracking platform provides valuable data points brands can use to improve marketing strategies over time – delivering more significant ROI from digital advertising efforts.

Testing and Validation

Testing and validation are also essential practices. By testing your attribution and tracking efforts before launching them across all channels, you can detect any issues or areas of improvement that need attention.

Testing and validating the platforms can include:

  • Adding the tracking URLs or tracking pixels to the website.
  • Validating the URLs or tracking pixels is working correctly.
  • Seeing how they function on different browsers.

Deployment and Optimization

Once you set up your tracking URL or tracking pixel, you can test one ad campaign and assess whether or not you are driving the desired outcomes from your campaign. If you are not, it is time to start iterating and testing several different tactics and strategies.

Ultimately, following a "test before deployment" best practice increases the chances of success when utilizing ad tracking platforms.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Implementing a tracking tool is vital to monitoring and optimizing campaigns. Regularly checking up on campaigns can help improve performance and provide the insight needed for successful marketing strategies.

Careful analysis of metrics such as conversions, click-through rates, cost per click, impressions, etc., are just some of the data points that allow you to make well-informed decisions about your campaigns moving forward.

By continuously monitoring and optimizing your platforms as part of your best practice, you can be sure that every dollar spent is well invested to achieve the maximum return on investment possible.

Importance of Choosing the Right Ad Tracking Platform

With the ever-growing presence of digital marketing, choosing the right platform to promote your business can be crucial to its success. The ideal platform represents your brand, gives you access to the key demographics you want to target, and is user-friendly.

Finding a platform that meets all those criteria can help differentiate you from competitors and give you a robust online presence. Additionally, understanding how successful campaigns are structured will provide measurable returns on investment. It should be an integral part of any digital marketing strategy.

Ad tracking platforms are valuable for any business looking to increase its online marketing ROI. By understanding why you need to be tracking ads, different tracking methods, and popular platforms, you can make an informed decision that sets your business up for success.

It's essential to consider the needs of your business, so you can choose the platform that best suits those needs. From there, you can use best practices to implement the platform correctly to get the most out of it. With the right ad-tracking software, you can make more strategic decisions about ad campaigns for more significant growth and success.

Data Accuracy and Source

First, rest assured that Sirge’s data is accurate. However, the way we track and attribute conversions differs from ad platforms:

  • Sirge Attribution: We track a user’s journey from the initial click on an ad all the way to the purchase, giving you a full picture of what drives sales.
  • Ad Platform Attribution: Ad platforms often attribute a sale to an ad if there was a click and a later purchase, even if the purchase wasn't directly influenced by that click. This can lead to over-attribution.

Where Does Sirge's Data Come From?

Sirge collects data directly from your website interactions and integrates it with data from your ad platforms. Here’s how:

  • Website Interactions: We track user behavior on your site from the first ad click to the final purchase.
  • Ad Platform Data: We pull in data from your ad platforms to understand ad interactions, then combine it with our tracking for complete attribution insights.

The Impact of When You Set Up Sirge

Another reason for discrepancies is the timing of your Sirge setup:

  • No Retroactive Data: Sirge does not track data from before you set up tracking. If you start using Sirge after running ads, past interactions won’t be captured, which can initially cause data differences.
By understanding these differences, you can have more confidence in Sirge’s data. Our detailed attribution model helps you make better ad strategy decisions. If you have questions, our support team is here to help you get the most out of Sirge.