From Zero to Ads Manager: Creating Your Facebook Ads Account

Nolan Donnely
5 min read
July 2, 2024
Best Practices

Why Creating a Facebook Ads Manager Account is Crucial

To get straight to the point, if you’re looking for a quick answer on how to create a Facebook Ads Manager account, here it is:

  1. Sign up for a personal Facebook account.
  2. Go to and create a Business Manager account.
  3. Add or create your Facebook Page under Business Settings.
  4. Set up your billing information.

Creating a Facebook Ads Manager account is essential for anyone looking to leverage Facebook’s extensive advertising platform. This account serves as your central hub where you can create, manage, and analyze your Facebook ad campaigns effectively.

With a well-organized Facebook Ads Manager account, you gain several benefits:- Centralized Management: Easily manage multiple ad accounts, pages, and user permissions.- Enhanced Security: Protect your account and maintain ownership even if team members leave.- Greater Control: Customize permissions and access levels for team members or agencies.

I'm Chase Chappell, a digital marketing expert and founder of Chappell Digital. With years of experience in social media advertising, including detailed knowledge on how to create a Facebook Ads Manager account, I’ve helped many businesses streamline their Facebook marketing efforts for maximum ROI.

Let's dive deeper into the steps and benefits, ensuring you set up your Facebook Ads Manager account seamlessly.

Step-by-step infographic for setting up a Facebook Ads Manager account - how to create a facebook ads manager account infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Setting Up Your Facebook Business Page

Creating a Facebook Business Page is the first step in establishing your brand's presence on Facebook and unlocking the full potential of Facebook Ads Manager. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Log In to Your Facebook Account

To create a Facebook Business Page, you need a personal Facebook account. If you don't have one yet, download the Facebook app or visit the Facebook website to sign up.

Step 2: Create Your Business Page

  1. Navigate to the Page Creation Tool
  2. On your Facebook homepage, click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) on the left side.
  3. Select "Page" from the options.
  4. Click on the "Create" button.

  5. Enter Basic Information

  6. Page Name: This should be your business name. If it's already taken, make it more descriptive (e.g., "Debby's Bakery Shop").
  7. Categories: Type words that best describe your business. Facebook will suggest options; choose up to three relevant categories.
  8. Description/Bio: Write a brief summary of your business (max 255 characters).

  9. Add Additional Details

  10. Website: Enter your business website URL.
  11. Business Hours: Specify your operating hours.
  12. Contact Information: Add your business email and phone number (optional).

Step 3: Upload Photos

  1. Profile Picture
  2. This image represents your business. It could be your logo or another recognizable image.
  3. Recommended size: 180x180 pixels.

  4. Cover Photo

  5. This is the large banner at the top of your page. It should convey your brand’s personality or showcase your products/services.
  6. Recommended size: 1640x856 pixels.

Step 4: Connect to WhatsApp (Optional)

You can link your business page to WhatsApp to make it easier for customers to contact you. After uploading your photos:

  1. Add Phone Number
  2. Enter your phone number and click "Send Code".
  3. Enter the received code to confirm the connection.

Step 5: Complete Page Information

  1. Manage Page Settings
  2. Click on the gray "Manage" button at the top of your page.
  3. Navigate to "Set Your Page up for Success" and expand "Provide Info and Preferences".

  4. Add More Details

  5. Business Address: Enter your physical location.
  6. Website URL: Re-enter your website if not already done.
  7. Opening Hours: Specify your hours of operation.

Step 6: Add an Action Button

Action buttons make it easier for visitors to interact with your business. Options include:

  • Contact Us: Directs visitors to call, email, or message you.
  • Shop Now: Links to your online store.
  • Book Now: Allows customers to schedule appointments.

Step 7: Preview and Publish

  1. Preview Your Page
  2. Check how your page looks to visitors. Make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Publish
  4. Once satisfied, click "Publish" to make your page live.

Facebook Business Page Setup - how to create a facebook ads manager account


Your Facebook Business Page is now set up and ready to go. This page will serve as the foundation for your Facebook advertising efforts.

Next, we’ll explore how to create your Facebook Ads Manager account to start running ads that drive results.

How to Create a Facebook Ads Manager Account

Step 1: Sign Up for Facebook

Before diving into Facebook Ads Manager, you need a personal Facebook account. If you don't have one, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Facebook app from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Open the app and click on "Create New Account".
  3. Fill in your details like name, email or phone number, password, date of birth, and gender.
  4. Click "Sign Up" and follow the prompts to verify your account.

Once you have your personal Facebook account, you're ready to move on to setting up your Facebook Ads Manager.

Step 2: Access Facebook Ads Manager

Now that you have a Facebook account, it's time to access the Ads Manager.

  1. Log in to Facebook on your desktop or mobile device.
  2. Navigate to Ads Manager by clicking on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) and selecting "Ads Manager". You can also go directly to Ads Manager by typing the URL in your browser.
  3. Confirm your account information to ensure everything is correct.

The Ads Manager dashboard is your control center for creating, managing, and analyzing your ad campaigns.

Step 3: Create Your Ad Account

Creating your ad account is the next crucial step. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to Business Settings in your Ads Manager. Click on the menu icon and select "Business Settings".
  2. Click on "Ad Accounts" in the sidebar under the Accounts section.
  3. Click the blue "Add" button and choose "Create a New Ad Account".
  4. Fill in your account details including your account name, time zone, and currency. Make sure these settings align with your business needs.
  5. Click "Create Ad Account" to finalize the setup.

Next, you need to add billing information to start running ads.

Adding Billing Information

  1. Go to Payment Settings by clicking on "Ad Account Settings" and then "Payment Settings".
  2. Click "Add Payment Method".
  3. Choose your payment method and fill in your billing details.
  4. Click "Continue" to save your payment information.

Adding a secondary payment method is recommended to avoid any disruptions in your ad campaigns.

With these steps, your Facebook Ads Manager account is set up and ready for action. Next, we’ll dive into navigating the Ads Manager dashboard and understanding its features.

Navigating Facebook Ads Manager

Navigating the Facebook Ads Manager interface can seem overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's like second nature. Let's break down the key parts of the dashboard and how to create your first ad campaign.

Understanding the Interface

Dashboard Overview

When you first open Facebook Ads Manager, you'll land on the dashboard. This is your command center. Here, you can see a summary of your ad accounts, campaigns, and key metrics like reach, impressions, and spend.

Sidebar Navigation

On the left side, you'll see a sidebar with various options:

  • Campaigns: View and manage all your ad campaigns.
  • Ad Sets: Control who sees your ads, your budget, and schedule.
  • Ads: Create and edit the actual ads that people see.
  • Account Overview: Get a high-level view of your account's performance.
  • Billing: Manage your payment methods and view your billing history.

Tools and Features

  • Create Button: Located at the top right, this button allows you to start a new campaign, ad set, or ad.
  • Reports: Generate detailed reports to analyze the performance of your campaigns.
  • Filters: Use filters to sort and view specific campaigns, ad sets, or ads based on various criteria like status, objective, or delivery.

Creating Your First Ad Campaign

Creating your first ad campaign is straightforward if you follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Create" Button: This is located in the campaign tab of your Facebook Ads Manager.

  2. Choose a Campaign Objective: Facebook offers six objectives to choose from:

  3. Awareness
  4. Traffic
  5. Engagement
  6. Leads
  7. App Promotion
  8. Sales

Your objective should align with your business goals. For example, if you want more website visitors, choose "Traffic."

  1. Name Your Campaign: Give your campaign a unique name to help you identify it later.

  2. Set a Campaign Spending Limit: This is optional but useful if you want to ensure you don't overspend.

  3. Toggle on the A/B Test Button: If you want to test different versions of your ads to see which performs better.

  4. Turn on Advantage Campaign Budget: This feature optimizes the budget across your ad sets based on performance.

Ad Sets and Ads

  • Ad Sets: Here, you decide who sees your ads. Set your target audience, budget, and schedule.
  • Ads: This is where you create the actual content that people will see. Choose your format (image, video, carousel, etc.), and add your text, links, and call-to-action buttons.

Final Steps

  • Review Your Settings: Double-check everything to ensure your campaign is set up correctly.
  • Publish: Click the "Publish" button to launch your campaign.

With these steps, you've successfully navigated the Facebook Ads Manager and created your first ad campaign. Next, we’ll explore how to manage your ad accounts effectively.

Managing Your Ad Accounts

Adding Billing Information

To start running ads, you need to add billing information to your Facebook Ads Manager account. Here's how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Payment Settings: From your Facebook Ads Manager dashboard, click on Ad Account Settings and select Payment Settings from the sidebar.

  2. Add Payment Method: Click the Add Payment Method button. Choose your preferred payment method—credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

  3. Enter Payment Details: Fill in the required information, such as cardholder name, card number, expiration date, and security code. Click Continue to save your details.

  4. Set Spending Limits: You can set an account spending limit to control your total ad costs. Click the three-dot icon beside Account Spending Limit, enter your limit, and click Save.

Tip: Add a secondary payment method to ensure your ads don't stop running if your primary payment method fails.

Adding Payment Information - how to create a facebook ads manager account

Assigning Roles and Permissions

Managing your ad account effectively requires assigning roles and permissions to your team members. Facebook Ads Manager offers three main roles:

  1. Admin: Full control over the ad account. Admins can manage account settings, billing information, and all aspects of campaigns.
  2. Editor: Can create and edit ads, but cannot manage billing or account settings.
  3. Advertiser: Can view ads and access performance metrics but cannot create or edit ads or manage billing.

How to Assign Roles:

  1. Access Business Settings: From the Facebook Business Manager dashboard, click on Business Settings.

  2. Navigate to People: In the left-hand panel, click on People.

  3. Add People: Click the + Add button. Enter the email address of the team member you want to add.

  4. Assign Role: Choose the appropriate role (Admin, Editor, Advertiser) for the team member. Customize permissions if needed and click Invite.

Assigning Roles and Permissions - how to create a facebook ads manager account

Review Roles Regularly: Periodically review and update roles to ensure everyone has the appropriate level of access.

By setting up billing information and assigning roles and permissions, you can manage your Facebook Ads Manager account efficiently. Next, let's dive into optimizing your ad campaigns for better performance.

Optimizing Your Ad Campaigns

Using Facebook Pixel

The Meta Pixel is a powerful tool that can transform your ad campaigns by providing detailed insights into user behavior. It helps you track conversions, optimize your ads, and build targeted audiences. Here's how to set it up and use it effectively:

  1. Install Meta Pixel:
  2. Go to the Meta Events Manager.
  3. Click Connect Data and select Web.
  4. Name your Pixel and check if your website is set up with Meta’s partner platforms. If not, install the Pixel code manually or send instructions to your developer.

  5. Track Conversions:

  6. Use the Pixel to track actions like purchases, sign-ups, or other valuable interactions on your site. This data helps you understand which ads are driving results.

  7. Create Custom Audiences:

  8. With the data collected, build custom audiences based on specific actions users take on your website. For example, target users who added items to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase.

  9. Build Lookalike Audiences:

  10. Use your Pixel data to find new people who are similar to your best customers. This can significantly improve your ad targeting and reach.

Analyzing Ad Performance

Analyzing your ad performance is crucial to optimizing your campaigns. Facebook Ads Manager provides robust tools to help you dive into the data and make informed decisions.

  1. Overview Tab:
  2. Here, you can see key metrics like reach, impressions, link clicks, and cost per thousand impressions (CPM). Customize the time period for which you want to see the data in the upper right-hand corner.

  3. Using Columns and Breakdowns:

  4. Columns: Filter your data based on performance, engagement, or custom presets. For example, the “Performance” column shows reach, cost per result, and impressions.
  5. Breakdowns: Get granular with your data by filtering it by time, demographics, geography, delivery, and action. This helps you understand your audience better and tailor your ads accordingly.

  6. Ads Reporting:

  7. To create a detailed report, go to Ads Reporting on the left-hand side of your Ads Manager. Name your report, customize the date range, and apply filters for a comprehensive view.
  8. Export your report as a CSV file or share a link. Duplicate reports for recurring analysis to save time.

  9. Focus on Key Metrics:

  10. Prioritize metrics that align with your business goals. Common important metrics include:

    • Conversion Rate: Measures how many users completed a desired action.
    • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Indicates how many people clicked on your ad.
    • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Shows the revenue generated for every dollar spent on ads.
  11. Optimize Based on Insights:

  12. Use the insights from your reports to tweak your campaigns. For instance, if you notice high engagement from a particular demographic, consider targeting them more aggressively.

By effectively using Meta Pixel and regularly analyzing your ad performance, you can optimize your Facebook ad campaigns to achieve better results and higher ROI. Next, we'll address some common questions about creating a Facebook Ads Manager account.

Frequently Asked Questions about Creating a Facebook Ads Manager Account

How do I Create a Manager Ad Account?

Creating a manager ad account is the first step to start advertising on Facebook. Here’s a simple guide to help you set it up:

  1. Sign Up for Facebook: If you don't already have a Facebook account, sign up for one here. You’ll need this to create a Business Manager account.

  2. Create a Facebook Business Manager Account: Go to the Business Manager homepage and click Create Account. Fill in the required details and press Submit.

  3. Add a Facebook Page: Navigate to Business Settings by clicking More Tools on the sidebar. Under Accounts, click Pages, then Add. Choose to add, request access to, or create a new Page.

  4. Create an Ad Account: In Business Settings, click Ad Accounts under Accounts. Click the blue Add button, then choose Create a New Ad Account. Follow the prompts to set up your ad account.

  5. Assign Roles: Assign roles like Admin or Employee to manage permissions. Go to Business Settings, click People, and then Add to invite team members.

How do I Open the Facebook Ads Manager?

Opening Facebook Ads Manager is straightforward. Here’s how you can access it:

  1. Direct Link: Use this link to go directly to Ads Manager.

  2. From Business Manager: On the Business Manager dashboard, click on Ads Manager on the sidebar.

  3. From Your Business Page: Go to your Facebook Business Page, click the Ad Center drop-down in the sidebar, and select All Ads. Then click on Ads Manager at the bottom of the page.

  4. Mobile App: Download the Facebook Ads Manager app for iOS or Android to manage your ads on the go.

Do You Need a Facebook Account to Use Ads Manager?

Yes, you need a Facebook account to use Ads Manager. Here are the requirements:

  • Facebook Account: You must have a personal Facebook account to create a Business Manager account and access Ads Manager.

  • Business Page: You need a Facebook Business Page linked to your account. You can create one here.

  • Ad Account ID: When you sign up for Facebook, you get an ad account ID by default. You can find this ID in your Ads Manager settings.

  • Roles and Permissions: To access Ads Manager, you must have an admin, editor, or advertiser role on a Facebook Page. If you’re managing ads for someone else, request an appropriate role from the Page admin.

By following these steps and understanding the requirements, you’ll be well on your way to creating and managing successful ad campaigns on Facebook.


Creating a Facebook Ads Manager account might seem daunting at first, but with the right steps, it's quite straightforward. Let's recap the key points and benefits of setting up your account.


We started by explaining the importance of having a Facebook Business Manager and Ads Manager account. These tools centralize your ad campaigns, making it easier to manage multiple Facebook Pages and ad accounts. We then walked you through the step-by-step process of how to create a Facebook Ads Manager account, from signing up for Facebook, accessing Ads Manager, to creating your ad account and setting up billing information.


Setting up your Facebook Ads Manager account offers several benefits:

  • Centralized Management: You can manage all your ad campaigns, Pages, and team members from one place.
  • Enhanced Security: Control who has access to your ad accounts and maintain ownership even as team members change.
  • Efficient Team Collaboration: Easily add and manage team members, assigning specific roles and permissions.
  • Comprehensive Tools: Utilize Meta's advanced tools for ad creation, performance tracking, and optimization.


At Sirge, we understand that navigating Facebook Ads Manager can be complex. Our tools and resources are designed to simplify the process, helping you create and manage your ad campaigns effectively. Whether you're new to digital advertising or an experienced marketer, Sirge offers solutions to enhance your Facebook ad management experience.

Ready to take your Facebook advertising to the next level? Visit Sirge to learn more about how we can help you streamline your ad management and drive better results.

By following this guide and leveraging the right tools, you'll be well-equipped to create successful ad campaigns that grow your business. Happy advertising!