The Importance of Cross-Device Tracking in Ad Attribution

Regan Hestand
5 min read
May 30, 2023
Ad Tracking Basics

Don’t Miss Out on Ad Attribution Cross-Device Tracking 

Are you running a digital marketing campaign? If that's the case, you probably know how important it is to understand the effectiveness of your ads. Measuring and understanding attribution is extremely valuable in helping marketers optimize campaigns for maximum efficiency—and that's where cross-device tracking comes into play. 

Cross-device tracking and ad attribution allow Shopify store owners to gain greater insight into their ads' impact across different devices, giving detailed information about which platforms drive customers — and ultimately revenue — to their online stores. This blog post will examine cross-device tracking and why it's critical for successful ad optimization.

What is Cross-Device Tracking Ad Attribution, and Why is it Important?

Cross-device tracking is a valuable tool in the world of marketing. It is the process of following an online user's activities across multiple devices, such as a mobile device, laptop, or desktop, to gain insight into their browsing and purchase behaviors. 

The information collected informs the ad attribution model that allows marketers to determine which advertisement campaigns have been most effective for their business. By tracking across devices, companies can obtain valuable insights into how customers interact across various devices and optimize their campaigns as needed. 

Ultimately, cross-device tracking provides deep insights into how users engage with digital content so businesses can tailor their strategies and create superior customer experiences.

How Does Cross-Device Tracking Work

Cross-device tracking is a powerful tool that allows companies to understand, lead and influence customer journeys across multiple devices. It all comes from the simple fact that users use different devices for different reasons and at different times. 

With cross-device tracking, businesses can monitor user activities on various devices and target their ads and promotions accordingly. Companies can link users' online activities across all their digital devices through tracking cookies, digital identifiers like IP addresses, and device graph technologies. 

Having information on all those touchpoints gives businesses a better understanding of customer behavior. It helps them determine the best ways to reach out to those customers more effectively. 

With cross-device tracking, brands have stronger, more accurate data analysis abilities that they can use to make crucial decisions to enhance customer experience and drive more conversions.

What are the Benefits of Using Cross-Device Attribution

Cross-device tracking and ad attribution are powerful tools that can provide Shopify store owners valuable insights into how customers interact across different devices. By using this technology, businesses can understand customer journeys more accurately and find better ways to target users with ads and promotions. 

With cross-device tracking, brands have more vital data analysis abilities, which they can use to make decisions that will enhance customer experience and drive more conversions. Having data analysis abilities means businesses can spend their ad budget more efficiently, as they can deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

Additionally, cross-device tracking ad attribution allows marketers to understand how ads convert on different platforms and devices, providing them with actionable insights into the best-performing channels and creative elements. All this data helps businesses increase campaign ROI and optimize campaigns for maximum efficiency.

How to Set Up Cross-Device Tracking for Your Ads

Advertisers are always looking for new ways to measure their investment returns. One of the most efficient tracking solutions is to set up cross-device tracking for your ads. Cross-device tracking allows you to track customers across multiple devices and gain insights into how they use various platforms and products. 

Setting up tracking can be a simple process that starts with knowing what type of data is available from each device, such as user agents and IPs. Additionally, you must install APIs and SDKs on each device to collect the data for analysis. 

Having your team curate the data collection process by identifying engagement points and segmenting users will ensure accurate results. With these steps, advertisers can find economical methods to identify early signals and efficiently make informed decisions about their digital marketing efforts.

What are some methods of cross-device tracking?

Cross-device tracking is an advanced technology that allows marketers to connect customer journeys across multiple devices. Methods such as device fingerprinting and probabilistic matching are how you achieve this. 

Device fingerprinting is a process where unique device characteristics are collected and used to identify the same user across different devices. This method collects data points like IP address, operating system version, browser type, installed plugins, and more to create a digital "fingerprint" for each device. 

The Probabilistic approach to matching uses algorithms to compare data from different devices to identify users interacting with the same content on various platforms. This method relies on demographic and behavioral signals such as location, online browsing history, social media interactions, email addresses, and more to detect patterns between different users. 

By combining these two methods of cross-device tracking, marketers can gain comprehensive insights into customer behavior across various devices and target their campaigns with maximum efficiency.

Tips for Optimizing Your Cross-Device Tracking Efforts

Cross-device tracking has become a critical tool for tracking customer journeys across different devices and platforms. However, the ability to leverage these insights requires optimizing your tracking efforts. 

It would help if you targeted audiences on multiple devices with tailored content for each device to get the most out of your cross-device tracking capabilities. Utilize various strategies that target users who have interacted with one channel before using another. 

Segmenting users into groups based on their digital behavior will also help you craft more effective customer messages. Finally, ensure you have real-time analytics so you can react quickly to changes in user behavior or opportunities in the market. 

Optimizing your cross-device tracking efforts and using the latest practices can ensure better outcomes from your marketing strategy!

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Cross-Device Tracking and Ad Attribution

The multi-device landscape makes gaining a holistic view of customers and their journey across devices difficult. To stay on top of tracking, ad attribution, and optimization, it's essential to remain aware of potential pitfalls. 

For example, many marketers make the mistake of setting up tracking on last-touch events only instead of also gathering insights from all stages in the customer journey. Additionally, failing to measure user engagement across each channel or decipher cross-device behavior can result in missed opportunities for better conversion results. 

To avoid these common issues, leveraging experts with expertise in analytics to ensure accuracy and proficiency is vital. Finally, it's essential to frequently review data from each device ecosystem and take advantage of insights you gain when understanding path-to-purchase across multiple devices.

Example of Cross-Device Tracking of Multiple Devices Including a Mobile Device

Users often interact with content on multiple devices throughout their journey. Tracking this behavior across all platforms is critical for successful campaigns. You can see one example of cross-device tracking in the following scenario:

A consumer visits an online store from a desktop. They browse several products but do not purchase anything yet. Later the same day, they open the company's mobile app after seeing mobile ads on their smartphone and begin browsing again. Soon after, they add a product to their cart and complete their purchase.

By leveraging cross-device tracking technology, marketers can link the consumer's activities across desktop and other devices and gain insights into their customer journey. The tools to track such user activities include device fingerprinting and probabilistic matching algorithms that use data points such as device type, IP address, operating system version, browser type, and installed plugins to create a unique digital "fingerprint" for each device path. 

Marketers can then apply these methods to identify users interacting with the same content across different platforms. From there, you can generate comprehensive reports offering valuable insights into customer behavior across multiple devices, including mobile devices.

This example highlights how important it is for marketers to track customer journeys across multiple devices to maximize campaign efficiency. By understanding how customers interact with content on different platforms, companies can better tailor their messages and target more relevant audiences with higher conversion rates.

Cross-device tracking and ad attribution are invaluable tools for marketers, providing them with the data they need to make smart decisions. It allows you to follow users across their devices and access valuable information about user behavior, enabling you to tailor your ads accordingly. 

Ad Attribution Cross-Device Tracking Conclusion

With the proper knowledge and preparation, you can set up a successful cross-device tracking campaign that will help you track potential customers effectively, convert more sales, and maximize ROI. Of course, you should still avoid some pitfalls associated with cross-device tracking if you want your campaign to succeed. 

Make sure you keep these in mind when troubleshooting any issues to ensure the most effective cross-device tracking possible. With this understanding of cross-device tracking, how it works, and its various benefits and dangers, marketers will be well on their way to optimizing their campaigns for success.

Data Accuracy and Source

First, rest assured that Sirge’s data is accurate. However, the way we track and attribute conversions differs from ad platforms:

  • Sirge Attribution: We track a user’s journey from the initial click on an ad all the way to the purchase, giving you a full picture of what drives sales.
  • Ad Platform Attribution: Ad platforms often attribute a sale to an ad if there was a click and a later purchase, even if the purchase wasn't directly influenced by that click. This can lead to over-attribution.

Where Does Sirge's Data Come From?

Sirge collects data directly from your website interactions and integrates it with data from your ad platforms. Here’s how:

  • Website Interactions: We track user behavior on your site from the first ad click to the final purchase.
  • Ad Platform Data: We pull in data from your ad platforms to understand ad interactions, then combine it with our tracking for complete attribution insights.

The Impact of When You Set Up Sirge

Another reason for discrepancies is the timing of your Sirge setup:

  • No Retroactive Data: Sirge does not track data from before you set up tracking. If you start using Sirge after running ads, past interactions won’t be captured, which can initially cause data differences.
By understanding these differences, you can have more confidence in Sirge’s data. Our detailed attribution model helps you make better ad strategy decisions. If you have questions, our support team is here to help you get the most out of Sirge.